Optional analyzeDiscordInvites
analyzeDiscordInvites?: boolean
Optional analyzeLinks
analyzeLinks?: boolean
Optional analyzePhrases
analyzePhrases?: boolean
Optional analyzeYouTubeChannelHandles
analyzeYouTubeChannelHandles?: boolean
Optional analyzeYouTubeChannelIDs
analyzeYouTubeChannelIDs?: boolean
Optional analyzeYouTubeVideoIDs
analyzeYouTubeVideoIDs?: boolean
Optional followRedirects
followRedirects?: boolean
Optional greedy
greedy?: boolean
Optional guildId
guildId?: string
Optional phraseAnalysisThreshold
phraseAnalysisThreshold?: number
Optional preemptiveVideoAnalysis
preemptiveVideoAnalysis?: boolean
Optional strictGroupCheck
strictGroupCheck?: boolean
Optional strictGuildCheck
strictGuildCheck?: boolean
Specifies how the analyzer should behave during the analysis. It allows you to toggle various features of the analyzer and tweak it to your liking or use case.
{boolean} analyzeYouTubeVideoIDs - Whether to check if a message links to forbidden YouTube videos. Defaults to
.{boolean} analyzeYouTubeChannelIDs - Whether to check if a message links to forbidden YouTube channels. Defaults to
.{boolean} analyzeYouTubeChannelHandles - Same as the channel ID check, except this checks for YouTube handles. Defaults to
.{boolean} preemptiveVideoAnalysis - Whether to check if a video belongs to a banned YouTube channel and automatically add it to the database of forbidden videos. Defaults to
.{boolean} analyzeDiscordInvites - Whether to check if a message links to a forbidden Discord server invite. Defaults to
.{boolean} analyzeLinks - Whether to check if a message contains links that match one of the forbidden link patterns. Defaults to
.{boolean} followRedirects - Whether to follow redirects when checking links. Defaults to
.{boolean} analyzePhrases - Whether to check if the message contains any forbidden phrases. Defaults to
.{number} phraseAnalysisThreshold - A real number between 0 and 1, which specifies the minimum similarity index for a match to be considered unwanted. Defaults to
.{boolean} greedy - Performs a greedy check, which means it won't stop at the very first result. Defaults to
.{string} guildId - The ID of the guild whose blacklists to also include.
{boolean} strictGuildCheck - Only look inside the blacklists of the provided guild. Defaults to
.{boolean} strictGroupCheck - Only look inside the blacklists of the group. Defaults to