Optional maxPhraseSimilarity
maxPhraseSimilarity?: number
problematic: boolean
problematicChannelIDs: string[]
problematicDiscordInvites: string[]
problematicLinks: string[]
problematicVideoIDs: string[]
Contains information about the result of an analysis.
{AnalyzerOptions} options - The options that were used in this analysis.
{boolean} problematic - Whether the analysis concluded that the message is problematic.
{string[]} problematicVideoIDs - A list of blacklisted YouTube video IDs that the message contained.
{string[]} problematicChannelIDs - A list of blacklisted YouTube channel IDs that the message contained.
{string[]} problematicDiscordInvites - A list of invites to blacklisted Discord servers that the message contained.
{string[]} problematicLinks - A list of links that matched one of the forbidden link patterns.
{PhraseSimilarityMap[]} problematicPhrases - An array of phrase similarities that were found in the message.
{Severity} severity - The highest severity of the found offenses in the message analysis.
{number} maxPhraseSimilarity - The maximum phrase similarity from the analyzed phrase similarity map.